Avocat à la Cour

Me Marc PETIT studied Laws at the University Robert Schuman in Strasbourg, at the University of Paris II (Panthéon Assas), at the  l’University of London (UCL University College London)  and has been admitted in 1991 at the Bar Association of Luxembourg.

Me Marc PETIT speaks French, English, German and Luxemburgish.


Avocate à la Cour

  • Droit bancaire et financier
  • Arbitrage et médiation
  • Droit du sport
  • Droit des sociétés

Me Laura GUARDAMAGNA is member of the Bar Association of Milano and Luxembourg.

Me GUARDAMAGNA speaks Italian, English and French.


Madame Aïda FETIC

Madam Aida FETIC holds the administration of the office and is in charge of the management of the files  and the daily business of the Office.

Madam Aida FETIC joined the firm in 2006.

Madame Stephanie CAU

Mrs. Stéphanie CAU provides the office and is in particular in charge of the management of the files and the daily administration of the Office.

Madame Florence NOLA

Ms. Florence NOLA acts as secretary to the Firm and is notably in charge of file management and day-to-day administration of the Firm.